Ophthalmology Retina Journal

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Ophthalmology Retina Journal

Ophthalmology Retina Journal

Subspecialty Research from the World’s Leading Ophthalmic Journal

Ophthalmology® Retina is the American Academy of Ophthalmology's scientific publication focused exclusively on retina-related eye diseases and conditions. The Academy launched this journal to help you stay on top of the increasing volume of high-quality retina research and learn about advances in medical drug treatment, surgery, technology and science. Ophthalmology Retina expands Ophthalmology’s publishing capacity to ensure that important advances in both medical and surgical retina are accessible to practicing ophthalmologists and researchers.

As a testament to the journal's high caliber, Ophthalmology Retina is fully indexed by MEDLINE/PubMed with a 4.4 Impact Factor*.

Digital issues of Ophthalmology Retina and 14 other peer-reviewed journals are a free member benefit accessible through the Academy’s Ophthalmic News and Education (ONE®) Network at aao.org/journals.

A print subscription to Ophthalmology Retina is a free member benefit to active U.S. Academy members that self-designate as a retina specialist.

All other Academy members can order a print subscription at a special discounted shipping rate of $135. A print subscription includes 12 issues spanning January to December.

If you are an Academy member and have questions about your subscription, call customer service at 866.561.8558 toll-free (U.S. only) or +1 415.561.8540, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time, Monday through Friday. You can also email customer_service@aao.org.

Those who are not members of the Academy may subscribe via Elsevier at aao.org/retinajournal.

For information about submitting your paper to Ophthalmology Retina, visit aao.org/retinajournal.

*Source: Journal Citation Report Impact Factor 2022

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