Ophthalmic Procedures in the Office and Clinic, Fourth Edition

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Ophthalmic Procedures in the Office and Clinic, Fourth Edition

Ophthalmic Procedures in the Office and Clinic, Fourth Edition

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This  book documents a range of procedures that the nurse or technician performs in an ophthalmic office/clinic setting. All sections include an overview, a list of objectives, equipment needed for the procedure, and a step-by-step of how to perform procedures ranging from a basic pediatric ophthalmic exam to taking axial length measurement. Easy-to-read tables allow for quick reference and outline all steps of the procedure, from sterilizing the chin rest to documenting results in the patient record, along with a rationale for each action. A bibliography after each section makes further research simple. Appropriate for Technicians and Nurses.

Fourth Edition, 2017; 216 pages

Editor Names – Robert M. Welch, MSN, ARNP, FNP-BC, GNP-BC; Mary Nehra Waldo, BSN, RN, CRNO

Published by the American Society of Ophthalmic Registered Nurses (ASORN)

ISBN: 978-0-9828954

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