Access Academy Patient Education from Your Electronic Health Record (EHR) System
If your EHR vendor is a content licensing partner of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, you can access Academy patient education resources through your EHR system.
Patient Education Tools Available for Licensing by EHR Companies:
Patient Education Handouts
Cataract and Refractive Surgery Patient Education Video Collection
Glaucoma Patient Education Video Collection
Oculoplastics Patient Education Video Collection
Pediatrics Patient Education Video Collection
Retina Patient Education Video Collection
Ophthalmic Animations Collection
Contact your vendor directly to inquire about integrating the Academy's patient education content.
Top Reasons for Integrating the Academy's Patient Education Content into Your EHR System
Access credible, accurate and up-to-date patient information from a centralized system. The Academy’s patient education content is peer-reviewed, regularly updated, unbiased and highly respected among ophthalmologists.
Satisfy EHR Meaningful Use requirements. The Academy’s patient education content offered through your EHR allows practitioners to meet an important component of Meaningful Use.
Access the most comprehensive patient education content at your fingertips. The Academy provides nearly 200 printable handouts, more than 90 short animations and five video collections across all subspecialties and available in both English and Spanish.
Reduce malpractice risk. Practices can streamline and document their patient education and informed consent interactions in a centralized system.
Companies That Currently Have Licensing Agreements with the Academy
These EHR/patient portal companies can deliver some or all of our patient education content through their system:
EyeMD EMR Healthcare Systems
Eye Care Leaders
Modernizing Medicine (Officite)
CheckedUp Patient Education System
Innova Visual Acuity Systems
If your vendor is one of the companies listed above, contact your representative directly to ask about accessing Academy patient education tools through their system.
What to Do If Your Vendor Is Not a Licensing Partner of the Academy
Let them know that you want the Academy’s patient education content integrated in their system. The representative should contact Kierstan Boyd, the Academy’s director of patient education, at